5 Useful Tricks On Making Your Fence Stand Out

One of the greatest things about being a proud home or enterprise owner is that you now have the possibility of making the place truly yours. Whether you’ve just moved into your new company premises or you’ve spent the last few months refurbishing it, no house is complete without a nice backyard hidden away from the prying eyes with a nice fence. And if your home and backyard look beautiful, then you’d want the fence to reflect that beauty. Here are 5 useful tips on how to make that plain wooden fence look exactly the way you want it. 

1.      Play around with patterns

If you really want your fence to pop-out, then choosing a pattern over a solid color is the right course of action. You can either try painting the fence in alternating colors, use a zigzag design or even order custom stencils to completely personalize it. They come in different shapes and sizes and applying them is a pretty straight-forward process. Just apply a neutral coat of paint, let it try and use the stencils with the color you’d like. Simple as that.

2.      You can always paint a mural

Although murals are considered to be somewhat costly and time-consuming to produce, having a unique piece of art in your own backyard is simply priceless. If you’re not that artistic with a paintbrush, you can either hire a professional or at least a local muralist to do it for you. Depending on the size of your fence and the size of the artwork you want to be done, this may take a few days before it gets complete. Unlike solid colors, murals can portray literally anything you want, ranging from a family picture to the cover of your album or book series. The only two limits are the budget and your imagination.

3.      Have you thought about using vines?

No, we don’t mean those short, seven-second videos. Annual and perennial vines can be planted right below the fence, so they intertwine with once they start growing. This is an excellent choice for those who simply don’t want to be bothered with applying a fresh coat of paint every year. Not only that, but vines add that rustic feel to the property when paired with a good, old-school type of fence. Of course, you want to emulate that old look and feel, not actually let your fence wither and break down due to neglect.  

4.      Moss is another way to go

Moss doesn’t only grow on the ground, you know. You can also make it grow on your fence to add that soft padded feel to your backyard. And you only need a few ingredients and a couple of minutes to do so. First, make sure to thoroughly clean the fence of any dirt and stuff that might be stuck to it. Next, get some fresh moss, ideally around two handfuls, and mix it in a blender with two cups of water and two cups of buttermilk. Once it’s all properly blended and mixed together, you can either apply it using a soft paintbrush or even easier, put it in a spray bottle and use it to spray the mixture in an even coating over the fence. Make sure to lightly spray it with a garden hose once or twice a week so it doesn’t dry out.

5.      Add some color into the mix

Applying a fresh coat of paint is one of the simplest and most efficient ways of breathing new life into your backyard. Always pick a color that complements the surroundings, so if you have a backyard filled with flowers, try picking a more neutral color to make them pop out. On the other hand, if your yard is filled with browns and greens, picking a strong, bold color may be your best choice. Depending on the type or surface you’ll be covering (wood, vinyl or metal), you need to pick a specific kind of paint. Picking the wrong kind of paint can lead to it not sticking properly and ultimately ruin your redecorating experience, so make sure to find skilled professionals for the job. If you are located in Australia for example, Painters Sidney would be a good choice.
Don’t be afraid to experiment with different techniques or use more than one at a time. You are only really limited by your imagination and, of course, your budget, so remember to make your plans accordingly. Mix and match different materials, colors, patterns and greenery to make the fence reflect the rest of the property or if you’re feeling adventurous, make it reflect your personality. Go crazy with it! And don’t worry about messing up, you can always repaint it and start over.


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