The Top Rules to Follow For Fabulous White Bedding

Everyone wants a perfect bed. What could be more perfect and purer than a white bed? What? No really, tell me. What does purity mean to you? White is the color of peace around the globe.

Every other flag has the color white in it which represents unity, harmony and tolerance for people of all race and religion. White also depicts purity and virginity all around the world.

And honestly, it looks divine! When talking about white bed set, one has to be very cautious and careful as the chances of it getting dirty and losing its shine are huge!

One has to follow a lot of rules if they want a complete ‘white’ bed set and they want it to look good too. Don’t worry we have your backs! Below you will find exactly how to manage yourself around your precious white bedding.

1. Say goodbye to creams and lotions while sleeping!

Ladies (and men) don’t freak out! I am not telling you to say goodbye to cream and lotions forever.

I just mean be careful with applying them on the bed as lotion and cream stains are hard to go. If you have dryness issues and applying lotion is a must then make sure you absorb it properly. Otherwise you will have to deal with deadliest stains.

2. No more being lazy with your makeup!

Being lazy with taking off our makeup? Let’s be honest, this is something we all do, time and time again. And again.

We get all dolled up for going somewhere and once we come back, we lose all energy and taking off all that makeup seems like the most tedious task ever! We’d rather just sleep right away and risk looking like a panda in the morning and scaring the husband away (not for good though, hopefully!). Not anymore, my lovelies. Not anymore.

The makeup stains are the biggest pain to take off of that pristine white bedding (believe me, I know). So it is easier to just ease off the hermit-ing and just take it all off. Otherwise, you’d be surprised how hideous your perfectly done makeup can actually look on those white sheets and pillows!

3. Right away.
The biggest problem that comes with white bedding is that if you drop something on it you will have to clean it as soon as possible.

Gone are the days; being lazy and cleaning the stains in the morning. The focal point is RIGHT AWAY! 

4. Laundry time!

That’s right! You will have to wash your sheets every other day. I know, I know. I hate doing laundry too but everything comes with a price.

Basically when you sleep you transfer things like body oils, sweat and dead skin to the bed sheet. Due to which your sheet may have a yellowish tint which can only go away with regular washing.

You can also use whitening booster powder to enhance your sheets.

I have only one thing to say to you white lovers: may the odds be ever in your favor!
If you want to have some more amazing suggestions related to white bedding, visit

This post is written by Julie Austin. She loves traveling, home decorating and hanging out with her friends. She regularly blog at


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