If you have dealt with the same old blemishes on your carpet for months, it is time to get rid of them. Even just a small amount of coffee could leave long-term dark brown spots on your carpet. Some wines will leave a very dark stain that can be difficult to eliminate. Alternatively, perhaps a child dropped some food or juice into your carpet that seems to spread even as you brushed hard to get rid of it? Stains can appear to have disappeared only to resurface months later on. Stains are mainly of two types: 

1. Water Based Stains: They include alcohol, blood, fruit juices, and others that dissolve in water.

2. Oil Based Stains: These usually comprise of butter, cooking oil, chocolate and other oil-dissolving stains. They are more challenging to get rid of, in comparison to water based stains. Whatever may be the type of stain, always remember to blot and not rub stains away.

Detergent Solution Preparation:
The detergent solution can be made by adding one teaspoon of detergent to 0.3 liters warm water, make two batches and then add one teaspoon of white vinegar to one batch for a vinegar solution. The ammonia solution is made of 1 teaspoon of ammonia to one cup warm water. While these are common cleaning supplies, they still need to be tested on your carpet in an inconspicuous area before you treat your stains.

Do not apply the cleaning solution directly to the carpet; use the absorbent cloth to remove the stain. Work from outside of the stain moving to its center, this will help avoid spreading. Use a hairdryer on a low setting to help dry the carpet. You want to keep the carpet as dry as possible while removing the stain.

Liquid Stains:

If the stain is a liquid such as coffee, tea, and others blot up the excess before using the detergent vinegar solution. Move from the outside to the center and blot the stain frequently with dry clothes.

Food And Other Stains:

If the stain is food, eggs, vomit, blood, glue or ice cream you need to scrape it up first. You can use a blunt knife with gentle pressure. Use the detergent solution to remove the stain and blot dry. Follow the stain removal with the ammonia solution, then blog dry and rinse.

Solids And Fat Stains:

If the stain is an oil, fat, shoe polish, tar or chewing gum, scrape the excess with a blunt knife and clean with the dry cleaning solution by following the manufacturer's instructions. Follow the cleaning with the vinegar solution, blot the stain dry and rinse. There are some best carpet cleaner sprays on the market, this product can also do that task easily.

Other Stains:

You don't always know the source of the stain on your carpet. For unknown stains, scrape up any solids and blot any liquids. Then use a dry cleaning solution, follow this with lukewarm water. Blot the stain dry and rinse.

The Rinsing Procedure:

You want to rinse after each removal process. Mix four parts water with one part white vinegar. Put this solution into a spray bottle. Spray the area of the stain. When the area is damp, use a clean, absorbent white cloth to blot the area. After blotting, cover the area with a clean white cloth, place a weight on top and leave it overnight.

If the stain still proves stubborn even after the cleaning process, then pick a best carpet shampooer or immediately contact a professional carpet cleaner.


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