How To Get Rid Of Water Bugs In Your Swimming Pool

There are a number of bugs that can disturb your fun in the pool. While only some of them actually bite, the majority that don't, can still be quite a nuisance. The good news is that it's possible to get rid of them, so that you can go back to fully enjoying yourself in the pool. In order to completely get rid your pool of bugs anyway, it's important to understand a little more about the bugs, so that the solution will make more sense to you.

Common Swimming Pool Bugs

Many bugs are simply attracted by water and can therefore end up in your pool at any time. This can be anything from spiders, mosquitoes, bees, water striders, water-boatmen and backswimmers. If you have bugs in your pool, then chances are that you either have a water-boatman or a backswimmer, because they are the most common bugs that will live in your pool when given the chance.

- The Water-Boatman (CorixaPunctata)
The water-boatman is a gross looking bug of about 1/4 inch in length, with a grayish-brown color and a cross-hatched pattern on its wing covers. It usually feeds on algae, mosquito larvae and other micro-organisms in the water, but it does not bite humans. It can fly, breathe air, and lay its eggs in the algae inside a pool.

- The Backswimmer (Notonectidae)
The Backswimmer is larger than the water-boatman. It is usually light colored and eats other insects by piecing their body and sucking their insides. It also bites human beings, and swims upside down across the pool surface, hence the name 'backswimmer'. The backswimmer is more problematic than the water-boatman, but since the backswimmer loves to feast on water-boatmen, all you have to do, to get rid of backswimmers, is to get rid of water-boatmen.

Ridding Your Pool of Bugs
The best way to get rid of backswimmers is to get rid of their food, which is water-boatmen, and the best way of getting rid of water-boatmen is to get rid of their food as well, which is algae. The following 4 steps will guarantee you a bug-free pool in just a few days.

Step 1. Brush The Walls
The first thing to do is to brush the walls of your pool in an over-lapping manner, in order to make sure that you get rid of all the algae. It is recommended to do this per hand, because even the best pool cleaner will clean up only up to 95% of the pool, leaving out certain corners that still need to be tackled by hand.

Step 2. Shock Chlorination
Algae only grows where there are low levels of chlorine. Even if you think you don't have any algae in your pool, you should still do the shock chlorination. Shock chlorination is best done at night to prevent the sun from burning it off too rapidly. For every 10,000 gallons of water in your pool, add 2 or 3 pounds of Calcium Hyochlorite (Chlorine Shock) to the pool. This should kill most of the algae.

Step 3. Skim & Vacuum
After you have brushed and shocked the pool, the next step is skimming and vacuuming. This will get rid of most of the algae and bugs that have died from the chlorine shock.

Step 4. Brush & Vacuum Again

A second session of brushing, vacuuming, skimming and filtration should completely rid the pool of both dead algae and bugs.

Conclusion - Keeping The Bugs at Bay
With the knowledge that algae growth is the major reason you will find bugs in your pool, the solution to avoiding bugs then, is to prevent algae growth. This can be easily accomplished by using algaecides. Investing in the best robotic pool cleaner against algae growth will also help to keeps bugs at bay from your pool.


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